Hard Cider, Reviews

Quick Hits: Austin Eastciders Original Dry Cider


(Photo by Dennis Burnett via The Austin Phoenix)

We passed by some tall boys of Austin Eastciders (from Austin, Texas) at our local non-fancy grocery store. We’re strong supporters of canned cider at CiderPlex, so we grabbed one of the Original Dry Ciders (they also had a “Texas Honey” variety).

There was a 2014 write-up on Austin Eastciders in the Austin Phoenix. The company was founded by Englishman Ed Gibson. Gibson came to Texas in 2010 looking to get in on the American cider market after successfully launching a cider bar back in the UK called The Apple. For the record: we have no problem with someone waltzing into the American hard cider resurgence from Europe to make cider in the US, as long as it’s good stuff. If you’re just looking to make a quick buck, we’ve got enough of those types trying to strike gold. Fortunately, I think their heart’s in the right place.

In the Phoenix article, they briefly discuss apple sourcing:

The American apples used in the cider come mainly from Washington state, but they import bitter sweet and bitter sharp apples mainly from France. Those old apple varieties give the cider the dryness and stringency which helps to create the refreshing and complex flavor.

I’d say those imported apples were worth the effort. I found this to be a very easy-drinking cider with a slight tart bite. Not exactly the most complex cider I’ve ever tried, but I can see they’re going for something with a bit of character. I appreciate a cider company that’s not afraid to make something distinctive. It’s “not too sweet,” as they say…


I haven’t tried Austin Eastciders’ Gold Top (“Made with vintage bittersweet and bittersharp apple varieties for a smoother, more complex flavor”) or the Texas Honey cider, but I enjoyed the Original Dry enough to seek them out.
